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We make it easy to do business

Companies of all types make their home in Mission, BC, to shape the future of the Fraser Valley’s economy.

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Blending together the best of everything

Natural landscapes, industry, and small-town charm with emerging suburban development and connectivity to the larger region, Mission is a unique and diverse community with a lot to offer.

1 Mission
2 Abbotsford
3 Maple Ridge
4 Vancouver
5 Surrey
6 U.S. Border
7 Seattle

Revitalization projects that foster community & drive development

Mission’s proximity to major cities, universities, tourism destinations, and highways makes it an ideal residential and business hub. Its location provides access to innovation, infrastructure, and potential markets—crucial elements in business development.

Waterfront Revitalization
People walking on the waterfront beach image at sunset

For all your commercial, industrial, and institutional project inquiries, contact us.